Wednesday 13 March 2013

Opening sequence + Sound Analysis of Shank

The main reason for chosing this film to analyse was the genre, this is a British drama movie made by a British director as well as it being low budget.

For the first two minutes we only see the production company names and the credits for the characters, but the inbetween the credits we see a small clip of a riot being held in London between the youths and the police, and a character being hit with a batton by the police.

After the credits have finished we are immediately shown a chase scene between two characters, one being a black male running from a male on a motorbike; during this scene there is a cut to a character walking through a passage with a dog and looking down on the chase. Soon after the black male enters the estastes he is being chased by another male who is hooded.

The sound during this extract is very fast paced and upbeat, this is emphasise the adrenaline that the character is experiencing whilst he is being chased; after the character has ran away the music then changes into a relaxing calm music.

The director has decided to set the scenary after the chase and to show that this is a poor estate with high crime rates.

After this analysis I believe that for our sequence we might use a similar clip at the start, and the chase sequence is probably how we will start our opening sequence - as well as some fast paced sound to get the audience involved and intruiged about what's going on.

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